pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 program to replace pixel values in raster image
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <assert.h>
21 #include <map>
22 #include "base/Optionpk.h"
23 #include "imageclasses/ImgReaderOgr.h"
24 #include "imageclasses/ImgWriterOgr.h"
25 #include "imageclasses/ImgReaderGdal.h"
26 #include "imageclasses/ImgWriterGdal.h"
28 /******************************************************************************/
67 using namespace std;
69 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
70 {
71  Optionpk<string> input_opt("i", "input", "Input image");
72  Optionpk<string> mask_opt("m", "mask", "Mask image(s)");
73  Optionpk<string> output_opt("o", "output", "Output mask file");
74  Optionpk<unsigned short> masknodata_opt("msknodata", "msknodata", "Mask value(s) where image has nodata. Use one value for each mask, or multiple values for a single mask.", 1);
75  Optionpk<int> nodata_opt("nodata", "nodata", "nodata value to put in image if not valid (0)", 0);
76  Optionpk<string> colorTable_opt("ct", "ct", "color table (file with 5 columns: id R G B ALFA (0: transparent, 255: solid)");
77  Optionpk<unsigned short> band_opt("b", "band", "band index(es) to replace (other bands are copied to output)", 0);
78  Optionpk<string> type_opt("ot", "otype", "Data type for output image ({Byte/Int16/UInt16/UInt32/Int32/Float32/Float64/CInt16/CInt32/CFloat32/CFloat64}). Empty string: inherit type from input image", "");
79  Optionpk<string> oformat_opt("of", "oformat", "Output image format (see also gdal_translate).","GTiff");
80  Optionpk<string> code_opt("code", "code", "Recode text file (2 columns: from to)");
81  Optionpk<string> class_opt("c", "class", "list of classes to reclass (in combination with reclass option)");
82  Optionpk<string> reclass_opt("r", "reclass", "list of recoded classes (in combination with class option)");
83  Optionpk<string> fieldname_opt("n", "fname", "field name of the shape file to be replaced", "label");
84  Optionpk<string> option_opt("co", "co", "Creation option for output file. Multiple options can be specified.");
85  Optionpk<string> description_opt("d", "description", "Set image description");
86  Optionpk<short> verbose_opt("v", "verbose", "verbose", 0);
88  bool doProcess;//stop process when program was invoked with help option (-h --help)
89  try{
90  doProcess=input_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
91  mask_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
92  masknodata_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
93  nodata_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
94  code_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
95  class_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
96  reclass_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
97  colorTable_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
98  output_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
99  type_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
100  oformat_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
101  band_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
102  fieldname_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
103  option_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
104  description_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
105  verbose_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
106  }
107  catch(string predefinedString){
108  std::cout << predefinedString << std::endl;
109  exit(0);
110  }
111  if(!doProcess){
112  cout << endl;
113  cout << "Usage: pkreclass -i input [-c from -r to]* -o output" << endl;
114  cout << endl;
115  std::cout << "short option -h shows basic options only, use long option --help to show all options" << std::endl;
116  exit(0);//help was invoked, stop processing
117  }
119  if(input_opt.empty()){
120  std::cerr << "No input file provided (use option -i). Use --help for help information" << std::endl;
121  exit(0);
122  }
123  if(output_opt.empty()){
124  std::cerr << "No output file provided (use option -o). Use --help for help information" << std::endl;
125  exit(0);
126  }
128  // vector<short> bandVector;
129  // for(int iband=0;iband<band_opt.size();++iband)
130  // bandVector.push_back(band_opt[iband]);
131  map<string,string> codemapString;//map with codes: codemapString[theKey(from)]=theValue(to)
132  map<double,double> codemap;//map with codes: codemap[theKey(from)]=theValue(to)
133  if(code_opt.size()){
134  if(verbose_opt[0])
135  cout << "opening code text file " << code_opt[0] << endl;
136  ifstream codefile;
138  string theKey;
139  string theValue;
140  while(codefile>>theKey){
141  codefile >> theValue;
142  codemapString[theKey]=theValue;
143  codemap[string2type<double>(theKey)]=string2type<double>(theValue);
144  }
145  codefile.close();
146  }
147  else{//use combination of class_opt and reclass_opt
148  assert(class_opt.size()==reclass_opt.size());
149  for(int iclass=0;iclass<class_opt.size();++iclass){
150  codemapString[class_opt[iclass]]=reclass_opt[iclass];
151  codemap[string2type<double>(class_opt[iclass])]=string2type<double>(reclass_opt[iclass]);
152  }
153  }
154  assert(codemapString.size());
155  assert(codemap.size());
156  //if verbose true, print the codes to screen
157  if(verbose_opt[0]){
158  map<string,string>::iterator mit;
159  cout << codemapString.size() << " codes used: " << endl;
160  for(mit=codemapString.begin();mit!=codemapString.end();++mit)
161  cout << (*mit).first << " " << (*mit).second << endl;
162  }
163  bool refIsRaster=true;
164  ImgReaderOgr ogrReader;
165  if(refIsRaster){//image file
166  ImgReaderGdal inputReader;
167  vector<ImgReaderGdal> maskReader(mask_opt.size());
168  ImgWriterGdal outputWriter;
169  if(verbose_opt[0])
170  cout << "opening input image file " << input_opt[0] << endl;
172  for(int imask=0;imask<mask_opt.size();++imask){
173  if(verbose_opt[0])
174  cout << "opening mask image file " << mask_opt[imask] << endl;
175  maskReader[imask].open(mask_opt[imask]);
176  }
177  if(verbose_opt[0]){
178  cout << "opening output image file " << output_opt[0] << endl;
179  cout << "data type: " << type_opt[0] << endl;
180  }
181  //create output image with user defined data type
182  GDALDataType theType=GDT_Unknown;
183  if(verbose_opt[0])
184  cout << "possible output data types: ";
185  for(int iType = 0; iType < GDT_TypeCount; ++iType){
186  if(verbose_opt[0])
187  cout << " " << GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType);
188  if( GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType) != NULL
189  && EQUAL(GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType),
190  type_opt[0].c_str()))
191  theType=(GDALDataType) iType;
192  }
193  if(theType==GDT_Unknown)
194  theType=inputReader.getDataType();
195  if(verbose_opt[0])
196  cout << endl << "Output pixel type: " << GDALGetDataTypeName(theType) << endl;
197  if(option_opt.findSubstring("INTERLEAVE=")==option_opt.end()){
198  string theInterleave="INTERLEAVE=";
199  theInterleave+=inputReader.getInterleave();
200  option_opt.push_back(theInterleave);
201  }
203  for(int iband=0;iband<inputReader.nrOfBand();++iband)
204  outputWriter.GDALSetNoDataValue(nodata_opt[0],iband);
205  if(description_opt.size())
206  outputWriter.setImageDescription(description_opt[0]);
208  if(colorTable_opt.size()){
209  if(colorTable_opt[0]!="none")
210  outputWriter.setColorTable(colorTable_opt[0]);
211  }
212  else if (inputReader.getColorTable()!=NULL)//copy colorTable from input image
213  outputWriter.setColorTable(inputReader.getColorTable());
215  //if input image is georeferenced, copy projection info to output image
216  if(inputReader.isGeoRef()){
217  for(int imask=0;imask<mask_opt.size();++imask)
218  assert(maskReader[imask].isGeoRef());
219  }
220  outputWriter.copyGeoTransform(inputReader);
221  outputWriter.setProjection(inputReader.getProjection());
222  double ulx,uly,lrx,lry;
223  inputReader.getBoundingBox(ulx,uly,lrx,lry);
224  outputWriter.copyGeoTransform(inputReader);
225  assert(nodata_opt.size()==masknodata_opt.size());
226  if(verbose_opt[0]&&mask_opt.size()){
227  for(int iv=0;iv<masknodata_opt.size();++iv)
228  cout << masknodata_opt[iv] << "->" << nodata_opt[iv] << endl;
229  }
231  assert(outputWriter.nrOfCol()==inputReader.nrOfCol());
232  // Vector2d<int> lineInput(inputReader.nrOfBand(),inputReader.nrOfCol());
233  Vector2d<double> lineInput(inputReader.nrOfBand(),inputReader.nrOfCol());
234  Vector2d<short> lineMask(mask_opt.size());
235  for(int imask=0;imask<mask_opt.size();++imask)
236  lineMask[imask].resize(maskReader[imask].nrOfCol());
237  Vector2d<double> lineOutput(outputWriter.nrOfBand(),outputWriter.nrOfCol());
238  int irow=0;
239  int icol=0;
240  const char* pszMessage;
241  void* pProgressArg=NULL;
242  GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress=GDALTermProgress;
243  double progress=0;
244  pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
245  double oldRowMask=-1;
246  for(irow=0;irow<inputReader.nrOfRow();++irow){
247  //read line in lineInput buffer
248  for(int iband=0;iband<inputReader.nrOfBand();++iband){
249  try{
250  // inputReader.readData(lineInput[iband],GDT_Int32,irow,iband);
251  inputReader.readData(lineInput[iband],irow,iband);
252  }
253  catch(string errorstring){
254  cerr << errorstring << endl;
255  exit(1);
256  }
257  }
258  double x,y;//geo coordinates
259  double colMask,rowMask;//image coordinates in mask image
260  for(icol=0;icol<inputReader.nrOfCol();++icol){
261  bool masked=false;
262  if(mask_opt.size()>1){//multiple masks
263  for(int imask=0;imask<mask_opt.size();++imask){
264  inputReader.image2geo(icol,irow,x,y);
265  maskReader[imask].geo2image(x,y,colMask,rowMask);
266  if(static_cast<int>(rowMask)!=static_cast<int>(oldRowMask)){
267  assert(rowMask>=0&&rowMask<maskReader[imask].nrOfRow());
268  try{
269  maskReader[imask].readData(lineMask[imask],static_cast<int>(rowMask));
270  }
271  catch(string errorstring){
272  cerr << errorstring << endl;
273  exit(1);
274  }
275  oldRowMask=rowMask;
276  }
277  short ivalue=0;
278  if(mask_opt.size()==masknodata_opt.size())//one invalid value for each mask
279  ivalue=masknodata_opt[imask];
280  else//use same invalid value for each mask
281  ivalue=masknodata_opt[0];
282  if(lineMask[imask][colMask]==ivalue){
283  for(int iband=0;iband<inputReader.nrOfBand();++iband)
284  lineInput[iband][icol]=nodata_opt[imask];
285  masked=true;
286  break;
287  }
288  }
289  }
290  else if(mask_opt.size()){//potentially more invalid values for single mask
291  inputReader.image2geo(icol,irow,x,y);
292  maskReader[0].geo2image(x,y,colMask,rowMask);
293  if(static_cast<int>(rowMask)!=static_cast<int>(oldRowMask)){
294  assert(rowMask>=0&&rowMask<maskReader[0].nrOfRow());
295  try{
296  maskReader[0].readData(lineMask[0],static_cast<int>(rowMask));
297  }
298  catch(string errorstring){
299  cerr << errorstring << endl;
300  exit(1);
301  }
302  oldRowMask=rowMask;
303  }
304  for(int ivalue=0;ivalue<masknodata_opt.size();++ivalue){
305  assert(masknodata_opt.size()==nodata_opt.size());
306  if(lineMask[0][colMask]==masknodata_opt[ivalue]){
307  for(int iband=0;iband<inputReader.nrOfBand();++iband)
308  lineInput[iband][icol]=nodata_opt[ivalue];
309  masked=true;
310  break;
311  }
312  }
313  }
314  for(int iband=0;iband<lineOutput.size();++iband){
315  lineOutput[iband][icol]=lineInput[iband][icol];
316  if(find(band_opt.begin(),band_opt.end(),iband)!=band_opt.end()){
317  if(!masked && codemap.find(lineInput[iband][icol])!=codemap.end()){
318  double toValue=codemap[lineInput[iband][icol]];
319  lineOutput[iband][icol]=toValue;
320  }
321  }
322  }
323  }
324  //write buffer lineOutput to output file
325  try{
326  for(int iband=0;iband<outputWriter.nrOfBand();++iband)
327  outputWriter.writeData(lineOutput[iband],irow,iband);
328  }
329  catch(string errorstring){
330  cerr << errorstring << endl;
331  exit(1);
332  }
333  //progress bar
334  progress=static_cast<float>((irow+1.0)/outputWriter.nrOfRow());
335  pfnProgress(progress,pszMessage,pProgressArg);
336  }
337  inputReader.close();
338  outputWriter.close();
339  }
340 }
STL namespace.
void close(void)
Set the memory (in MB) to cache a number of rows in memory.
int nrOfCol(void) const
Get the number of columns of this dataset.
Definition: ImgRasterGdal.h:98
bool getBoundingBox(double &ulx, double &uly, double &lrx, double &lry) const
Get the bounding box of this dataset in georeferenced coordinates.
void readData(T &value, int col, int row, int band=0)
Read a single pixel cell value at a specific column and row for a specific band (all indices start co...
Definition: ImgReaderGdal.h:95
int nrOfRow(void) const
Get the number of rows of this dataset.
bool image2geo(double i, double j, double &x, double &y) const
Convert image coordinates (column and row) to georeferenced coordinates (x and y) ...
GDALColorTable * getColorTable(int band=0) const
Get the GDAL color table for this dataset as an instance of the GDALColorTable class.
bool isGeoRef() const
Is this dataset georeferenced (pixel size in y must be negative) ?
std::string getProjection(void) const
Get the projection string (deprecated, use getProjectionRef instead)
GDALDataType getDataType(int band=0) const
Get the GDAL datatype for this dataset.
void open(const std::string &filename, const GDALAccess &readMode=GA_ReadOnly)
Open an image.
int nrOfBand(void) const
Get the number of bands of this dataset.
std::string getInterleave() const
Get the band coding (interleave)