pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 class to read raster files using GDAL API library
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <assert.h>
21 #include <sstream>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <gsl/gsl_cdf.h>
24 #include "cpl_conv.h" // for CPLMalloc()
25 #include "ImgReaderGdal.h"
36 void ImgReaderGdal::open(const std::string& filename, const GDALAccess& readMode)
37 {
38  m_filename = filename;
39  setCodec(readMode);
40 }
43 {
45 }
50 void ImgReaderGdal::setCodec(const GDALAccess& readMode)
51 {
52  GDALAllRegister();
53  // m_gds = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen(m_filename.c_str(), readMode );
55  GDALAllRegister();
56  m_gds = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen(m_filename.c_str(), readMode );
57 #else
58  GDALAllRegister();
59  if(readMode==GA_ReadOnly)
60  m_gds = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx(m_filename.c_str(), GDAL_OF_READONLY|GDAL_OF_RASTER, NULL, NULL, NULL);
61  else if(readMode==GA_Update)
62  m_gds = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx(m_filename.c_str(), GDAL_OF_UPDATE|GDAL_OF_RASTER, NULL, NULL, NULL);
63 #endif
65  if(m_gds == NULL){
66  std::string errorString="FileOpenError";
67  throw(errorString);
68  }
69  m_ncol= m_gds->GetRasterXSize();
70  m_nrow= m_gds->GetRasterYSize();
71  m_nband= m_gds->GetRasterCount();
72  double adfGeoTransform[6];
73  m_gds->GetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );
74  m_gt[0]=adfGeoTransform[0];
75  m_gt[1]=adfGeoTransform[1];
76  m_gt[2]=adfGeoTransform[2];
77  m_gt[3]=adfGeoTransform[3];
78  m_gt[4]=adfGeoTransform[4];
79  m_gt[5]=adfGeoTransform[5];
80  m_projection=m_gds->GetProjectionRef();
81 }
89 double ImgReaderGdal::getMin(int& x, int& y, int band){
90  double minValue=0;
91  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
92  bool isValid=false;
93  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
94  readData(lineBuffer,irow,band);
95  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
96  if(isNoData(lineBuffer[icol]))
97  continue;
98  if(isValid){
99  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minValue){
100  y=irow;
101  x=icol;
102  minValue=lineBuffer[icol];
103  }
104  }
105  else{
106  y=irow;
107  x=icol;
108  minValue=lineBuffer[icol];
109  isValid=true;
110  }
111  }
112  }
113  if(isValid)
114  return minValue;
115  else
116  throw(static_cast<std::string>("Warning: not initialized"));
117 }
125 double ImgReaderGdal::getMax(int& x, int& y, int band){
126  double maxValue=0;
127  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
128  bool isValid=false;
129  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
130  readData(lineBuffer,irow,band);
131  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
132  if(isNoData(lineBuffer[icol]))
133  continue;
134  if(isValid){
135  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxValue){
136  y=irow;
137  x=icol;
138  maxValue=lineBuffer[icol];
139  }
140  }
141  else{
142  y=irow;
143  x=icol;
144  maxValue=lineBuffer[icol];
145  isValid=true;
146  }
147  }
148  }
149  if(isValid)
150  return maxValue;
151  else
152  throw(static_cast<std::string>("Warning: not initialized"));
153 }
161 void ImgReaderGdal::getMinMax(int startCol, int endCol, int startRow, int endRow, int band, double& minValue, double& maxValue)
162 {
163  bool isConstraint=(maxValue>minValue);
164  double minConstraint=minValue;
165  double maxConstraint=maxValue;
166  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(endCol-startCol+1);
167  bool isValid=false;
168  assert(endRow<nrOfRow());
169  for(int irow=startCol;irow<endRow+1;++irow){
170  readData(lineBuffer,startCol,endCol,irow,band);
171  for(int icol=0;icol<lineBuffer.size();++icol){
172  if(isNoData(lineBuffer[icol]))
173  continue;
174  if(isValid){
175  if(isConstraint){
176  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minConstraint)
177  continue;
178  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxConstraint)
179  continue;
180  }
181  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minValue)
182  minValue=lineBuffer[icol];
183  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxValue)
184  maxValue=lineBuffer[icol];
185  }
186  else{
187  if(isConstraint){
188  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minConstraint)
189  continue;
190  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxConstraint)
191  continue;
192  }
193  minValue=lineBuffer[icol];
194  maxValue=lineBuffer[icol];
195  isValid=true;
196  }
197  }
198  }
199  if(!isValid)
200  throw(static_cast<std::string>("Warning: not initialized"));
201 }
208 void ImgReaderGdal::getMinMax(double& minValue, double& maxValue, int band)
209 {
210  bool isConstraint=(maxValue>minValue);
211  double minConstraint=minValue;
212  double maxConstraint=maxValue;
213  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
214  bool isValid=false;
215  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
216  readData(lineBuffer,irow,band);
217  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
218  if(isNoData(lineBuffer[icol]))
219  continue;
220  if(isValid){
221  if(isConstraint){
222  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minConstraint)
223  continue;
224  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxConstraint)
225  continue;
226  }
227  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minValue)
228  minValue=lineBuffer[icol];
229  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxValue)
230  maxValue=lineBuffer[icol];
231  }
232  else{
233  if(isConstraint){
234  if(lineBuffer[icol]<minConstraint)
235  continue;
236  if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxConstraint)
237  continue;
238  }
239  minValue=lineBuffer[icol];
240  maxValue=lineBuffer[icol];
241  isValid=true;
242  }
243  }
244  }
245  if(!isValid)
246  throw(static_cast<std::string>("Warning: not initialized"));
247 }
257 double ImgReaderGdal::getHistogram(std::vector<double>& histvector, double& min, double& max, unsigned int& nbin, int theBand, bool kde){
258  double minValue=0;
259  double maxValue=0;
261  if(min>=max)
262  getMinMax(minValue,maxValue,theBand);
263  else{
264  minValue=min;
265  maxValue=max;
266  }
267  if(min<max&&min>minValue)
268  minValue=min;
269  if(min<max&&max<maxValue)
270  maxValue=max;
271  min=minValue;
272  max=maxValue;
274  double sigma=0;
275  if(kde){
276  double meanValue=0;
277  double stdDev=0;
278  GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress;
279  void* pProgressData;
280  GDALRasterBand* rasterBand;
281  rasterBand=getRasterBand(theBand);
282  rasterBand->ComputeStatistics(0,&minValue,&maxValue,&meanValue,&stdDev,pfnProgress,pProgressData);
283  //rest minvalue and MaxValue as ComputeStatistics does not account for nodata, scale and offset
284  minValue=min;
285  maxValue=max;
287  if(m_scale.size()>theBand){
288  stdDev*=m_scale[theBand];
289  }
290  sigma=1.06*stdDev*pow(getNvalid(theBand),-0.2);
291  }
293  double scale=0;
294  if(maxValue>minValue){
295  if(nbin==0)
296  nbin=maxValue-minValue+1;
297  scale=static_cast<double>(nbin-1)/(maxValue-minValue);
298  }
299  else
300  nbin=1;
301  assert(nbin>0);
302  if(histvector.size()!=nbin){
303  histvector.resize(nbin);
304  for(int i=0;i<nbin;histvector[i++]=0);
305  }
306  double nvalid=0;
307  unsigned long int nsample=0;
308  unsigned long int ninvalid=0;
309  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
310  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
311  readData(lineBuffer,irow,theBand);
312  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
313  if(isNoData(lineBuffer[icol]))
314  ++ninvalid;
315  else if(lineBuffer[icol]>maxValue)
316  ++ninvalid;
317  else if(lineBuffer[icol]<minValue)
318  ++ninvalid;
319  else if(nbin==1)
320  ++histvector[0];
321  else{//scale to [0:nbin]
322  if(sigma>0){
323  //create kde for Gaussian basis function
324  //todo: speed up by calculating first and last bin with non-zero contriubtion...
325  //todo: calculate real surface below pdf by using gsl_cdf_gaussian_P(x-mean+binsize,sigma)-gsl_cdf_gaussian_P(x-mean,sigma)
326  for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;++ibin){
327  double icenter=minValue+static_cast<double>(maxValue-minValue)*(ibin+0.5)/nbin;
328  double thePdf=gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf(lineBuffer[icol]-icenter, sigma);
329  histvector[ibin]+=thePdf;
330  nvalid+=thePdf;
331  }
332  }
333  else{
334  int theBin=static_cast<unsigned long int>(scale*(lineBuffer[icol]-minValue));
335  assert(theBin>=0);
336  assert(theBin<nbin);
337  ++histvector[theBin];
338  ++nvalid;
339  }
340  // else if(lineBuffer[icol]==maxValue)
341  // ++histvector[nbin-1];
342  // else
343  // ++histvector[static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(lineBuffer[icol]-minValue)/(maxValue-minValue)*(nbin-1))];
344  }
345  }
346  }
347  // unsigned long int nvalid=nrOfCol()*nrOfRow()-ninvalid;
348  return nvalid;
349 }
355 void ImgReaderGdal::getRange(std::vector<short>& range, int band)
356 {
357  std::vector<short> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
358  range.clear();
359  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
360  readData(lineBuffer,irow,band);
361  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
362  if(find(range.begin(),range.end(),lineBuffer[icol])==range.end())
363  range.push_back(lineBuffer[icol]);
364  }
365  }
366  sort(range.begin(),range.end());
367 }
373 unsigned long int ImgReaderGdal::getNvalid(int band)
374 {
375  unsigned long int nvalid=0;
376  if(m_noDataValues.size()){
377  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
378  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
379  readData(lineBuffer,irow,band);
380  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
381  if(isNoData(lineBuffer[icol]))
382  continue;
383  else
384  ++nvalid;
385  }
386  }
387  return nvalid;
388  }
389  else
390  return(nrOfCol()*nrOfRow());
391 }
398 void ImgReaderGdal::getRefPix(double& refX, double &refY, int band)
399 {
400  std::vector<double> lineBuffer(nrOfCol());
401  double validCol=0;
402  double validRow=0;
403  int nvalidCol=0;
404  int nvalidRow=0;
405  for(int irow=0;irow<nrOfRow();++irow){
406  readData(lineBuffer,irow,band);
407  for(int icol=0;icol<nrOfCol();++icol){
408  // bool valid=(find(m_noDataValues.begin(),m_noDataValues.end(),lineBuffer[icol])==m_noDataValues.end());
409  // if(valid){
410  if(!isNoData(lineBuffer[icol])){
411  validCol+=icol+1;
412  ++nvalidCol;
413  validRow+=irow+1;
414  ++nvalidRow;
415  }
416  }
417  }
418  if(isGeoRef()){
419  //reference coordinate is lower left corner of pixel in center of gravity
420  //we need geo coordinates for exactly this location: validCol(Row)/nvalidCol(Row)-0.5
421  double cgravi=validCol/nvalidCol-0.5;
422  double cgravj=validRow/nvalidRow-0.5;
423  double refpixeli=floor(cgravi);
424  double refpixelj=ceil(cgravj-1);
425  //but image2geo provides location at center of pixel (shifted half pixel right down)
426  image2geo(refpixeli,refpixelj,refX,refY);
427  //refX and refY now refer to center of gravity pixel
428  refX-=0.5*getDeltaX();//shift to left corner
429  refY-=0.5*getDeltaY();//shift to lower left corner
430  }
431  else{
432  refX=floor(validCol/nvalidCol-0.5);//left corner
433  refY=floor(validRow/nvalidRow-0.5);//upper corner
434  //shift to lower left corner of pixel
435  refY+=1;
436  }
437 }
int m_nband
number of bands in this dataset
double getMin(int &col, int &row, int band=0)
Get the minimum cell values for a specific band and report the column and row in which the minimum va...
unsigned long int getNvalid(int band)
Calculate the number of valid pixels (with a value not defined as no data).
bool isNoData(double value) const
Check if value is nodata in this dataset.
double getHistogram(std::vector< double > &histvector, double &min, double &max, unsigned int &nbin, int theBand=0, bool kde=false)
Calculate the image histogram for a specific band using a defined number of bins and constrained by a...
void close(void)
Set the memory (in MB) to cache a number of rows in memory.
int nrOfCol(void) const
Get the number of columns of this dataset.
Definition: ImgRasterGdal.h:98
std::string m_filename
filename of this dataset
std::vector< double > m_noDataValues
no data values for this dataset
double m_gt[6]
geotransform information of this dataset
GDALDataset * m_gds
instance of the GDAL dataset of this dataset
void readData(T &value, int col, int row, int band=0)
Read a single pixel cell value at a specific column and row for a specific band (all indices start co...
Definition: ImgReaderGdal.h:95
int nrOfRow(void) const
Get the number of rows of this dataset.
bool image2geo(double i, double j, double &x, double &y) const
Convert image coordinates (column and row) to georeferenced coordinates (x and y) ...
void getRange(std::vector< short > &range, int Band=0)
Calculate the range of cell values in the image for a specific band (start counting from 0)...
bool isGeoRef() const
Is this dataset georeferenced (pixel size in y must be negative) ?
int m_nrow
number of rows in this dataset
double getDeltaX(void) const
Get the pixel cell spacing in x.
int m_ncol
number of columns in this dataset
void setCodec(const GDALAccess &readMode=GA_ReadOnly)
Set GDAL dataset number of columns, rows, bands and geotransform.
double getDeltaY(void) const
Get the pixel cell spacing in y.
std::vector< double > m_scale
Vector containing the scale factor to be applied (one scale value for each band)
void getMinMax(int startCol, int endCol, int startRow, int endRow, int band, double &minValue, double &maxValue)
Get the minimum and maximum cell values for a specific band in a region of interest defined by startC...
virtual void close(void)
Close the image.
default constructor. Image needs to be opened later with one of the open methods. ...
GDALRasterBand * getRasterBand(int band=0) const
Get the GDAL rasterband for this dataset.
double getMax(int &col, int &row, int band=0)
Get the maximum cell values for a specific band and report the column and row in which the maximum va...
void getRefPix(double &refX, double &refY, int band=0)
Calculate the reference pixel as the centre of gravity pixel (weighted average of all values not taki...
void open(const std::string &filename, const GDALAccess &readMode=GA_ReadOnly)
Open an image.