pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 class to write raster files using GDAL API library
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <iomanip>
22 #include <time.h>
23 #include <algorithm>
24 extern "C" {
25 #include "gdal_alg.h"
26 }
27 #include "ImgWriterGdal.h"
29 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
30 #include <config.h>
31 #endif
43 void ImgWriterGdal::open(const std::string& filename, const ImgReaderGdal& imgSrc, const std::vector<std::string>& options)
44 {
45  m_ncol=imgSrc.nrOfCol();
46  m_nrow=imgSrc.nrOfRow();
47  m_nband=imgSrc.nrOfBand();
48  m_dataType=imgSrc.getDataType();
49  m_filename=filename;
50  m_options=options;
51  setCodec(imgSrc);
52 }
63 void ImgWriterGdal::open(const std::string& filename, int ncol, int nrow, int nband, const GDALDataType& dataType, const std::string& imageType, const std::vector<std::string>& options)
64 {
65  m_ncol = ncol;
66  m_nrow = nrow;
67  m_nband = nband;
68  m_dataType = dataType;
69  m_filename = filename;
70  m_options=options;
71  setCodec(imageType);
72 }
75 {
77  char **papszOptions=NULL;
78  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator optionIt=m_options.begin();optionIt!=m_options.end();++optionIt)
79  papszOptions=CSLAddString(papszOptions,optionIt->c_str());
80  if(papszOptions)
81  CSLDestroy(papszOptions);
82 }
89  GDALAllRegister();
90  GDALDriver *poDriver;
91  poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(imgSrc.getDriverDescription().c_str());
92  if( poDriver == NULL ){
93  std::string errorString="FileOpenError";
94  throw(errorString);
95  }
96  char **papszMetadata;
97  papszMetadata = poDriver->GetMetadata();
98  //todo: try and catch if CREATE is not supported (as in PNG)
99  assert( CSLFetchBoolean( papszMetadata, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, FALSE ));
100  char **papszOptions=NULL;
101  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator optionIt=m_options.begin();optionIt!=m_options.end();++optionIt)
102  papszOptions=CSLAddString(papszOptions,optionIt->c_str());
104  m_gds=poDriver->Create(m_filename.c_str(),m_ncol,m_nrow,m_nband,imgSrc.getDataType(),papszOptions);
105  double gt[6];
106  imgSrc.getGeoTransform(gt);
107  if(setGeoTransform(gt)!=CE_None)
108  std::cerr << "Warning: could not write geotransform information in " << m_filename << std::endl;
109  setProjection(imgSrc.getProjection());
110  if(setProjection(imgSrc.getProjection())!=CE_None)
111  std::cerr << "Warning: could not write projection information in " << m_filename << std::endl;
113  if(m_noDataValues.size()){
114  for(int iband=0;iband<nrOfBand();++iband)
116  }
118  m_gds->SetMetadata(imgSrc.getMetadata() );
119  m_gds->SetMetadataItem( "TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME", m_filename.c_str());
120  std::string versionString="pktools ";
121  versionString+=VERSION;
122  versionString+=" by Pieter Kempeneers";
123  m_gds->SetMetadataItem( "TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE", versionString.c_str());
124  time_t rawtime;
125  time ( &rawtime );
127  time_t tim=time(NULL);
128  tm *now=localtime(&tim);
129  std::ostringstream datestream;
130  //date std::string must be 20 characters long...
131  datestream << now->tm_year+1900;
132  if(now->tm_mon+1<10)
133  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_mon+1;
134  else
135  datestream << ":" << now->tm_mon+1;
136  if(now->tm_mday<10)
137  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_mday;
138  else
139  datestream << ":" << now->tm_mday;
140  if(now->tm_hour<10)
141  datestream << " 0" << now->tm_hour;
142  else
143  datestream << " " << now->tm_hour;
144  if(now->tm_min<10)
145  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_min;
146  else
147  datestream << ":" << now->tm_min;
148  if(now->tm_sec<10)
149  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_sec;
150  else
151  datestream << ":" << now->tm_sec;
152  m_gds->SetMetadataItem( "TIFFTAG_DATETIME", datestream.str().c_str());
153  if(imgSrc.getColorTable()!=NULL)
154  setColorTable(imgSrc.getColorTable());
155 }
161 void ImgWriterGdal::setCodec(const std::string& imageType)
162 {
163  GDALAllRegister();
164  GDALDriver *poDriver;
165  poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(imageType.c_str());
166  if( poDriver == NULL ){
167  std::ostringstream s;
168  s << "FileOpenError (" << imageType << ")";
169  throw(s.str());
170  }
171  char **papszMetadata;
172  papszMetadata = poDriver->GetMetadata();
173  //todo: try and catch if CREATE is not supported (as in PNG)
174  assert( CSLFetchBoolean( papszMetadata, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, FALSE ));
175  char **papszOptions=NULL;
176  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator optionIt=m_options.begin();optionIt!=m_options.end();++optionIt)
177  papszOptions=CSLAddString(papszOptions,optionIt->c_str());
178  m_gds=poDriver->Create(m_filename.c_str(),m_ncol,m_nrow,m_nband,m_dataType,papszOptions);
179  double gt[6];
180  getGeoTransform(gt);
181  if(setGeoTransform(gt)!=CE_None)
182  std::cerr << "Warning: could not write geotransform information in " << m_filename << std::endl;
183  if(setProjection(m_projection)!=CE_None)
184  std::cerr << "Warning: could not write projection information in " << m_filename << std::endl;
185  m_gds->SetMetadataItem( "TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME", m_filename.c_str());
186  std::string versionString="pktools ";
187  versionString+=VERSION;
188  versionString+=" by Pieter Kempeneers";
189  m_gds->SetMetadataItem( "TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE", versionString.c_str());
190  time_t rawtime;
191  time ( &rawtime );
193  time_t tim=time(NULL);
194  tm *now=localtime(&tim);
195  std::ostringstream datestream;
196  //date std::string must be 20 characters long...
197  datestream << now->tm_year+1900;
198  if(now->tm_mon+1<10)
199  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_mon+1;
200  else
201  datestream << ":" << now->tm_mon+1;
202  if(now->tm_mday<10)
203  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_mday;
204  else
205  datestream << ":" << now->tm_mday;
206  if(now->tm_hour<10)
207  datestream << " 0" << now->tm_hour;
208  else
209  datestream << " " << now->tm_hour;
210  if(now->tm_min<10)
211  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_min;
212  else
213  datestream << ":" << now->tm_min;
214  if(now->tm_sec<10)
215  datestream << ":0" << now->tm_sec;
216  else
217  datestream << ":" << now->tm_sec;
218  m_gds->SetMetadataItem( "TIFFTAG_DATETIME", datestream.str().c_str());
219 }
224 void ImgWriterGdal::setMetadata(char** metadata)
225 {
226  if(m_gds)
227  m_gds->SetMetadata(metadata);
228 }
230 //default projection: ETSR-LAEA
231 // std::string ImgWriterGdal::setProjection(void)
232 // {
233 // std::string theProjection;
234 // OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
235 // char *pszSRS_WKT = NULL;
236 // //// oSRS.importFromEPSG(3035);
237 // oSRS.SetGeogCS("ETRS89","European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989","GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010042,"Greenwich",0,"degree",0.0174532925199433);
238 // // cout << setprecision(16) << "major axis: " << oSRS.GetSemiMajor(NULL) << endl;//notice that major axis can be set to a different value than the default to the well known standard corresponding to the name (European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989), but that new value, while recognized by GetSemiMajor, will not be written in the geotiff tag!
239 // oSRS.SetProjCS( "ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA" );
240 // oSRS.SetLAEA(52,10,4321000,3210000);
241 // oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszSRS_WKT );
242 // theProjection=pszSRS_WKT;
243 // CPLFree( pszSRS_WKT );
244 // assert(m_gds);
245 // m_gds->SetProjection(theProjection.c_str());
246 // return(theProjection);
247 // }
254 void ImgWriterGdal::setColorTable(const std::string& filename, int band)
255 {
256  //todo: fool proof table in file (no checking currently done...)
257  std::ifstream ftable(filename.c_str(),std::ios::in);
258  std::string line;
259 // poCT=new GDALColorTable();
260  GDALColorTable colorTable;
261  short nline=0;
262  while(getline(ftable,line)){
263  ++nline;
264  std::istringstream ist(line);
265  GDALColorEntry sEntry;
266  short id;
267  ist >> id >> sEntry.c1 >> sEntry.c2 >> sEntry.c3 >> sEntry.c4;
268  colorTable.SetColorEntry(id,&sEntry);
269  }
270  if(m_gds)
271  (m_gds->GetRasterBand(band+1))->SetColorTable(&colorTable);
272 }
278 void ImgWriterGdal::setColorTable(GDALColorTable* colorTable, int band)
279 {
280  if(m_gds)
281  (m_gds->GetRasterBand(band+1))->SetColorTable(colorTable);
282 }
284 // //write an entire image from memory to file
285 // bool ImgWriterGdal::writeData(void* pdata, const GDALDataType& dataType, int band){
286 // //fetch raster band
287 // GDALRasterBand *poBand;
288 // if(band>=nrOfBand()+1){
289 // std::ostringstream s;
290 // s << "band (" << band << ") exceeds nrOfBand (" << nrOfBand() << ")";
291 // throw(s.str());
292 // }
293 // poBand = m_gds->GetRasterBand(band+1);//GDAL uses 1 based index
294 // poBand->RasterIO(GF_Write,0,0,nrOfCol(),nrOfRow(),pdata,nrOfCol(),nrOfRow(),dataType,0,0);
295 // return true;
296 // }
314 void ImgWriterGdal::rasterizeOgr(ImgReaderOgr& ogrReader, const std::vector<double>& burnValues, const std::vector<std::string>& controlOptions, const std::vector<std::string>& layernames ){
315  std::vector<int> bands;
316  if(burnValues.empty()&&controlOptions.empty()){
317  std::string errorString="Error: either burn values or control options must be provided";
318  throw(errorString);
319  }
320  for(int iband=0;iband<nrOfBand();++iband)
321  bands.push_back(iband+1);
322  std::vector<OGRLayerH> layers;
323  int nlayer=0;
325  std::vector<double> burnBands;//burn values for all bands in a single layer
326  std::vector<double> burnLayers;//burn values for all bands and all layers
327  if(burnValues.size()){
328  burnBands=burnValues;
329  while(burnBands.size()<nrOfBand())
330  burnBands.push_back(burnValues[0]);
331  }
332  for(int ilayer=0;ilayer<ogrReader.getLayerCount();++ilayer){
333  std::string currentLayername=ogrReader.getLayer(ilayer)->GetName();
334  if(layernames.size())
335  if(find(layernames.begin(),layernames.end(),currentLayername)==layernames.end())
336  continue;
337  std::cout << "processing layer " << currentLayername << std::endl;
338  layers.push_back((OGRLayerH)ogrReader.getLayer(ilayer));
339  ++nlayer;
340  if(burnValues.size()){
341  for(int iband=0;iband<nrOfBand();++iband)
342  burnLayers.insert(burnLayers.end(),burnBands.begin(),burnBands.end());
343  }
344  }
345  void* pTransformArg;
346  GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress=NULL;
347  void* pProgressArg=NULL;
349  char **coptions=NULL;
350  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator optionIt=controlOptions.begin();optionIt!=controlOptions.end();++optionIt)
351  coptions=CSLAddString(coptions,optionIt->c_str());
353  if(controlOptions.size()){
354  if(GDALRasterizeLayers( (GDALDatasetH)m_gds,nrOfBand(),&(bands[0]),layers.size(),&(layers[0]),NULL,pTransformArg,NULL,coptions,pfnProgress,pProgressArg)!=CE_None){
355  std::string errorString(CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
356  throw(errorString);
357  }
358  }
359  else if(burnValues.size()){
360  if(GDALRasterizeLayers( (GDALDatasetH)m_gds,nrOfBand(),&(bands[0]),layers.size(),&(layers[0]),NULL,pTransformArg,&(burnLayers[0]),NULL,pfnProgress,pProgressArg)!=CE_None){
361  std::string errorString(CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
362  throw(errorString);
363  }
364  }
365  else{
366  std::string errorString="Error: either attribute fieldname or burn values must be set to rasterize vector dataset";
367  throw(errorString);
368  }
369 }
GDALDataType m_dataType
GDAL data type for this dataset.
int m_nband
number of bands in this dataset
void rasterizeOgr(ImgReaderOgr &ogrReader, const std::vector< double > &burnValues, const std::vector< std::string > &controlOptions=std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > &layernames=std::vector< std::string >())
Rasterize an OGR vector dataset using the gdal algorithm "GDALRasterizeLayers".
void setMetadata(char **metadata)
Set specific metadata (driver specific)
int nrOfCol(void) const
Get the number of columns of this dataset.
Definition: ImgRasterGdal.h:98
std::string m_filename
filename of this dataset
std::vector< double > m_noDataValues
no data values for this dataset
virtual void setCodec(const std::string &imageType)
Register GDAL driver, setting the datatype, imagetype and some metadata.
void setColorTable(const std::string &filename, int band=0)
Set the color table using an (ASCII) file with 5 columns (value R G B alpha)
GDALDataset * m_gds
instance of the GDAL dataset of this dataset
std::string getDriverDescription() const
Get the GDAL driver description of this dataset.
int nrOfRow(void) const
Get the number of rows of this dataset.
GDALColorTable * getColorTable(int band=0) const
Get the GDAL color table for this dataset as an instance of the GDALColorTable class.
CPLErr setGeoTransform(double *gt)
Set the geotransform data for this dataset.
int m_nrow
number of rows in this dataset
char ** getMetadata()
Get the metadata of this dataset.
int m_ncol
number of columns in this dataset
virtual void close(void)
Close the image.
default constructor. Image needs to be opened later with one of the open methods. ...
void open(const std::string &filename, const ImgReaderGdal &imgSrc, const std::vector< std::string > &options=std::vector< std::string >())
Open an image for writing, copying image attributes from a source image. Image is directly written to...
std::string getProjection(void) const
Get the projection string (deprecated, use getProjectionRef instead)
GDALDataType getDataType(int band=0) const
Get the GDAL datatype for this dataset.
CPLErr setProjection(const std::string &projection)
Set the projection for this dataset in well known text (wkt) format.
void close(void)
Close the image.
std::string getGeoTransform() const
Get the geotransform data for this dataset as a string.
CPLErr GDALSetNoDataValue(double noDataValue, int band=0)
Set the GDAL (internal) no data value for this data set. Only a single no data value per band is supp...
int nrOfBand(void) const
Get the number of bands of this dataset.