pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 feature selection for artificial neural network classifier pkann
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <map>
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include "base/Optionpk.h"
26 #include "imageclasses/ImgReaderOgr.h"
27 #include "algorithms/ConfusionMatrix.h"
28 #include "algorithms/CostFactory.h"
29 #include "algorithms/FeatureSelector.h"
30 #include "floatfann.h"
31 #include "algorithms/myfann_cpp.h"
32 #include "pkfsann.h"
34 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
35 #include <config.h>
36 #endif
38 /******************************************************************************/
94 using namespace std;
96 #define Malloc(type,n) (type *)malloc((n)*sizeof(type))
98 CostFactoryANN::CostFactoryANN(const vector<unsigned int>& nneuron, float connection, const std::vector<float> weights, float learning, unsigned int maxit, unsigned short cv, bool verbose)
99  : CostFactory(cv,verbose), m_nneuron(nneuron), m_connection(connection), m_weights(weights), m_learning(learning), m_maxit(maxit){};
101 CostFactoryANN::~CostFactoryANN(){
102 }
104 double CostFactoryANN::getCost(const vector<Vector2d<float> > &trainingFeatures)
105 {
106  unsigned short nclass=trainingFeatures.size();
107  unsigned int ntraining=0;
108  unsigned int ntest=0;
109  for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
110  ntraining+=m_nctraining[iclass];
111  ntest+=m_nctest[iclass];
112  }
113  if(ntest)
114  assert(!m_cv);
115  if(!m_cv)
116  assert(ntest);
117  unsigned short nFeatures=trainingFeatures[0][0].size();
119  FANN::neural_net net;//the neural network
120  const unsigned int num_layers = m_nneuron.size()+2;
121  const float desired_error = 0.0003;
122  const unsigned int iterations_between_reports = (m_verbose) ? m_maxit+1:0;
123  if(m_verbose>1){
124  cout << "creating artificial neural network with " << m_nneuron.size() << " hidden layer, having " << endl;
125  for(int ilayer=0;ilayer<m_nneuron.size();++ilayer)
126  cout << m_nneuron[ilayer] << " ";
127  cout << "neurons" << endl;
128  }
129  switch(num_layers){
130  case(3):{
131  unsigned int layers[3];
132  layers[0]=nFeatures;
133  layers[1]=m_nneuron[0];
134  layers[2]=nclass;
135  net.create_sparse_array(m_connection,num_layers,layers);
136  break;
137  }
138  case(4):{
139  unsigned int layers[4];
140  layers[0]=nFeatures;
141  layers[1]=m_nneuron[0];
142  layers[2]=m_nneuron[1];
143  layers[3]=nclass;
144  net.create_sparse_array(m_connection,num_layers,layers);
145  break;
146  }
147  default:
148  cerr << "Only 1 or 2 hidden layers are supported!" << endl;
149  exit(1);
150  break;
151  }
153  net.set_learning_rate(m_learning);
155  net.set_activation_function_hidden(FANN::SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC_STEPWISE);
156  net.set_activation_function_output(FANN::SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC_STEPWISE);
158  vector<unsigned short> referenceVector;
159  vector<unsigned short> outputVector;
160  float rmse=0;
161  vector<Vector2d<float> > tmpFeatures(nclass);
162  for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
163  tmpFeatures[iclass].resize(trainingFeatures[iclass].size(),nFeatures);
164  for(unsigned int isample=0;isample<m_nctraining[iclass];++isample){
165  for(int ifeature=0;ifeature<nFeatures;++ifeature){
166  tmpFeatures[iclass][isample][ifeature]=trainingFeatures[iclass][isample][ifeature];
167  }
168  }
169  }
170  m_cm.clearResults();
171  if(m_cv>0){
172  rmse=net.cross_validation(tmpFeatures,
173  ntraining,
174  m_cv,
175  m_maxit,
176  desired_error,
177  referenceVector,
178  outputVector,
179  m_verbose);
180  for(int isample=0;isample<referenceVector.size();++isample){
181  string refClassName=m_nameVector[referenceVector[isample]];
182  string className=m_nameVector[outputVector[isample]];
183  if(m_classValueMap.size())
184  m_cm.incrementResult(type2string<short>(m_classValueMap[refClassName]),type2string<short>(m_classValueMap[className]),1.0);
185  else
186  m_cm.incrementResult(m_cm.getClass(referenceVector[isample]),m_cm.getClass(outputVector[isample]),1.0);
187  }
188  }
189  else{//not working yet. please repair...
190  assert(m_cv>0);
191  bool initWeights=true;
192  net.train_on_data(tmpFeatures,ntraining,initWeights, m_maxit,
193  iterations_between_reports, desired_error);
194  vector<Vector2d<float> > testFeatures(nclass);
195  vector<float> result(nclass);
196  int maxClass=-1;
197  for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
198  testFeatures.resize(m_nctest[iclass],nFeatures);
199  for(unsigned int isample=0;isample<m_nctraining[iclass];++isample){
200  for(int ifeature=0;ifeature<nFeatures;++ifeature){
201  testFeatures[iclass][isample][ifeature]=trainingFeatures[iclass][m_nctraining[iclass]+isample][ifeature];
202  }
204  string refClassName=m_nameVector[iclass];
205  float maxP=-1;
206  for(int ic=0;ic<nclass;++ic){
207  float pv=(result[ic]+1.0)/2.0;//bring back to scale [0,1]
208  if(pv>maxP){
209  maxP=pv;
210  maxClass=ic;
211  }
212  }
213  string className=m_nameVector[maxClass];
214  if(m_classValueMap.size())
215  m_cm.incrementResult(type2string<short>(m_classValueMap[refClassName]),type2string<short>(m_classValueMap[className]),1.0);
216  else
217  m_cm.incrementResult(m_cm.getClass(referenceVector[isample]),m_cm.getClass(outputVector[isample]),1.0);
218  }
219  }
220  }
221  assert(m_cm.nReference());
222  return(m_cm.kappa());
223 }
225 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
226 {
227  // vector<double> priors;
229  //--------------------------- command line options ------------------------------------
230  Optionpk<string> input_opt("i", "input", "input test set (leave empty to perform a cross validation based on training only)");
231  Optionpk<string> training_opt("t", "training", "training vector file. A single vector file contains all training features (must be set as: B0, B1, B2,...) for all classes (class numbers identified by label option). Use multiple training files for bootstrap aggregation (alternative to the bag and bsize options, where a random subset is taken from a single training file)");
232  Optionpk<string> tlayer_opt("tln", "tln", "training layer name(s)");
233  Optionpk<string> label_opt("label", "label", "identifier for class label in training vector file.","label");
234  Optionpk<unsigned short> maxFeatures_opt("n", "nf", "number of features to select (0 to select optimal number, see also ecost option)", 0);
235  Optionpk<unsigned int> balance_opt("\0", "balance", "balance the input data to this number of samples for each class", 0);
236  Optionpk<bool> random_opt("random","random", "in case of balance, randomize input data", true);
237  Optionpk<int> minSize_opt("min", "min", "if number of training pixels is less then min, do not take this class into account", 0);
238  Optionpk<unsigned short> band_opt("b", "band", "band index (starting from 0, either use band option or use start to end)");
239  Optionpk<unsigned short> bstart_opt("sband", "startband", "Start band sequence number");
240  Optionpk<unsigned short> bend_opt("eband", "endband", "End band sequence number");
241  Optionpk<double> offset_opt("\0", "offset", "offset value for each spectral band input features: refl[band]=(DN[band]-offset[band])/scale[band]", 0.0);
242  Optionpk<double> scale_opt("\0", "scale", "scale value for each spectral band input features: refl=(DN[band]-offset[band])/scale[band] (use 0 if scale min and max in each band to -1.0 and 1.0)", 0.0);
243  Optionpk<unsigned short> aggreg_opt("a", "aggreg", "how to combine aggregated classifiers, see also rc option (0: no aggregation, 1: sum rule, 2: max rule).",0);
244  // Optionpk<double> priors_opt("p", "prior", "prior probabilities for each class (e.g., -p 0.3 -p 0.3 -p 0.2 )", 0.0);
245  Optionpk<string> selector_opt("sm", "sm", "feature selection method (sffs=sequential floating forward search,sfs=sequential forward search, sbs, sequential backward search ,bfs=brute force search)","sffs");
246  Optionpk<float> epsilon_cost_opt("ecost", "ecost", "epsilon for stopping criterion in cost function to determine optimal number of features",0.001);
247  Optionpk<unsigned short> cv_opt("cv", "cv", "n-fold cross validation mode",2);
248  Optionpk<string> classname_opt("c", "class", "list of class names.");
249  Optionpk<short> classvalue_opt("r", "reclass", "list of class values (use same order as in classname opt.");
250  Optionpk<unsigned int> nneuron_opt("n", "nneuron", "number of neurons in hidden layers in neural network (multiple hidden layers are set by defining multiple number of neurons: -n 15 -n 1, default is one hidden layer with 5 neurons)", 5);
251  Optionpk<float> connection_opt("\0", "connection", "connection reate (default: 1.0 for a fully connected network)", 1.0);
252  Optionpk<float> weights_opt("w", "weights", "weights for neural network. Apply to fully connected network only, starting from first input neuron to last output neuron, including the bias neurons (last neuron in each but last layer)", 0.0);
253  Optionpk<float> learning_opt("l", "learning", "learning rate (default: 0.7)", 0.7);
254  Optionpk<unsigned int> maxit_opt("\0", "maxit", "number of maximum iterations (epoch) (default: 500)", 500);
255  Optionpk<short> verbose_opt("v", "verbose", "set to: 0 (results only), 1 (confusion matrix), 2 (debug)",0,2);
257  tlayer_opt.setHide(1);
258  label_opt.setHide(1);
259  balance_opt.setHide(1);
260  random_opt.setHide(1);
261  minSize_opt.setHide(1);
262  band_opt.setHide(1);
263  bstart_opt.setHide(1);
264  bend_opt.setHide(1);
265  offset_opt.setHide(1);
266  scale_opt.setHide(1);
267  aggreg_opt.setHide(1);
268  // priors_opt.setHide(1);
269  selector_opt.setHide(1);
270  epsilon_cost_opt.setHide(1);
271  cv_opt.setHide(1);
272  classname_opt.setHide(1);
273  classvalue_opt.setHide(1);
274  nneuron_opt.setHide(1);
275  connection_opt.setHide(1);
276  weights_opt.setHide(1);
277  learning_opt.setHide(1);
278  maxit_opt.setHide(1);
280  bool doProcess;//stop process when program was invoked with help option (-h --help)
281  try{
282  doProcess=input_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
283  training_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
284  maxFeatures_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
285  tlayer_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
286  label_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
287  balance_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
288  random_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
289  minSize_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
290  band_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
291  bstart_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
292  bend_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
293  offset_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
294  scale_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
295  aggreg_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
296  // priors_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
297  selector_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
298  epsilon_cost_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
299  cv_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
300  classname_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
301  classvalue_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
302  nneuron_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
303  connection_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
304  weights_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
305  learning_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
306  maxit_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
307  verbose_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
308  }
309  catch(string predefinedString){
310  std::cout << predefinedString << std::endl;
311  exit(0);
312  }
313  if(!doProcess){
314  cout << endl;
315  cout << "Usage: pkfsann -t training -n number" << endl;
316  cout << endl;
317  std::cout << "short option -h shows basic options only, use long option --help to show all options" << std::endl;
318  exit(0);//help was invoked, stop processing
319  }
321  CostFactoryANN costfactory(nneuron_opt, connection_opt[0], weights_opt, learning_opt[0], maxit_opt[0], cv_opt[0], verbose_opt[0]);
323  assert(training_opt.size());
324  if(input_opt.size())
325  costfactory.setCv(0);
326  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1){
327  if(input_opt.size())
328  std::cout << "input filename: " << input_opt[0] << std::endl;
329  std::cout << "training vector file: " << std::endl;
330  for(int ifile=0;ifile<training_opt.size();++ifile)
331  std::cout << training_opt[ifile] << std::endl;
332  std::cout << "verbose: " << verbose_opt[0] << std::endl;
333  }
335  static std::map<std::string, SelectorValue> selMap;
336  //initialize selMap
337  selMap["sffs"]=SFFS;
338  selMap["sfs"]=SFS;
339  selMap["sbs"]=SBS;
340  selMap["bfs"]=BFS;
342  assert(training_opt.size());
343  if(input_opt.size())
344  cv_opt[0]=0;
345  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1)
346  std::cout << "training vector file: " << training_opt[0] << std::endl;
348  unsigned int totalSamples=0;
349  unsigned int totalTestSamples=0;
351  unsigned short nclass=0;
352  int nband=0;
353  int startBand=2;//first two bands represent X and Y pos
355  // if(priors_opt.size()>1){//priors from argument list
356  // priors.resize(priors_opt.size());
357  // double normPrior=0;
358  // for(int iclass=0;iclass<priors_opt.size();++iclass){
359  // priors[iclass]=priors_opt[iclass];
360  // normPrior+=priors[iclass];
361  // }
362  // //normalize
363  // for(int iclass=0;iclass<priors_opt.size();++iclass)
364  // priors[iclass]/=normPrior;
365  // }
367  //convert start and end band options to vector of band indexes
368  try{
369  if(bstart_opt.size()){
370  if(bend_opt.size()!=bstart_opt.size()){
371  string errorstring="Error: options for start and end band indexes must be provided as pairs, missing end band";
372  throw(errorstring);
373  }
374  band_opt.clear();
375  for(int ipair=0;ipair<bstart_opt.size();++ipair){
376  if(bend_opt[ipair]<=bstart_opt[ipair]){
377  string errorstring="Error: index for end band must be smaller then start band";
378  throw(errorstring);
379  }
380  for(int iband=bstart_opt[ipair];iband<=bend_opt[ipair];++iband)
381  band_opt.push_back(iband);
382  }
383  }
384  }
385  catch(string error){
386  cerr << error << std::endl;
387  exit(1);
388  }
389  //sort bands
390  if(band_opt.size())
391  std::sort(band_opt.begin(),band_opt.end());
393  // map<string,short> classValueMap;//global variable for now (due to getCost)
394  if(classname_opt.size()){
395  assert(classname_opt.size()==classvalue_opt.size());
396  for(int iclass=0;iclass<classname_opt.size();++iclass)
397  costfactory.setClassValueMap(classname_opt[iclass],classvalue_opt[iclass]);
398  }
399  //----------------------------------- Training -------------------------------
400  vector<double> offset;
401  vector<double> scale;
402  vector< Vector2d<float> > trainingPixels;//[class][sample][band]
403  vector< Vector2d<float> > testPixels;//[class][sample][band]
404  map<string,Vector2d<float> > trainingMap;
405  map<string,Vector2d<float> > testMap;
406  vector<string> fields;
408  //organize training data
409  trainingPixels.clear();
410  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1)
411  std::cout << "reading imageVector file " << training_opt[0] << std::endl;
412  try{
413  ImgReaderOgr trainingReader(training_opt[0]);
414  if(band_opt.size()){
415  totalSamples=trainingReader.readDataImageOgr(trainingMap,fields,band_opt,label_opt[0],tlayer_opt,verbose_opt[0]);
416  if(input_opt.size()){
417  ImgReaderOgr inputReader(input_opt[0]);
418  totalTestSamples=trainingReader.readDataImageOgr(testMap,fields,band_opt,label_opt[0],tlayer_opt,verbose_opt[0]);
419  inputReader.close();
420  }
421  }
422  else{
423  totalSamples=trainingReader.readDataImageOgr(trainingMap,fields,0,0,label_opt[0],tlayer_opt,verbose_opt[0]);
424  if(input_opt.size()){
425  ImgReaderOgr inputReader(input_opt[0]);
426  totalTestSamples=trainingReader.readDataImageOgr(testMap,fields,0,0,label_opt[0],tlayer_opt,verbose_opt[0]);
427  inputReader.close();
428  }
429  }
430  if(trainingMap.size()<2){
431  string errorstring="Error: could not read at least two classes from training file";
432  throw(errorstring);
433  }
434  if(input_opt.size()&&testMap.size()<2){
435  string errorstring="Error: could not read at least two classes from test input file";
436  throw(errorstring);
437  }
438  trainingReader.close();
439  }
440  catch(string error){
441  cerr << error << std::endl;
442  exit(1);
443  }
444  catch(std::exception& e){
445  std::cerr << "Error: ";
446  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
447  std::cerr << CPLGetLastErrorMsg() << std::endl;
448  exit(1);
449  }
450  catch(...){
451  cerr << "error caught" << std::endl;
452  exit(1);
453  }
454  //delete class 0 ?
455  // if(verbose_opt[0]>=1)
456  // std::cout << "erasing class 0 from training set (" << trainingMap[0].size() << " from " << totalSamples << ") samples" << std::endl;
457  // totalSamples-=trainingMap[0].size();
458  // trainingMap.erase(0);
459  //convert map to vector
461  if(verbose_opt[0]>1)
462  std::cout << "training pixels: " << std::endl;
463  map<string,Vector2d<float> >::iterator mapit=trainingMap.begin();
464  while(mapit!=trainingMap.end()){
465  // if(classValueMap.size()){
466  // //check if name in training is covered by classname_opt (values can not be 0)
467  // if(classValueMap[mapit->first]>0){
468  // if(verbose_opt[0])
469  // std::cout << mapit->first << " -> " << classValueMap[mapit->first] << std::endl;
470  // }
471  // else{
472  // std::cerr << "Error: names in classname option are not complete, please check names in training vector and make sure classvalue is > 0" << std::endl;
473  // exit(1);
474  // }
475  // }
476  //delete small classes
477  if((mapit->second).size()<minSize_opt[0]){
478  trainingMap.erase(mapit);
479  continue;
480  }
481  trainingPixels.push_back(mapit->second);
482  if(verbose_opt[0]>1)
483  std::cout << mapit->first << ": " << (mapit->second).size() << " samples" << std::endl;
484  ++mapit;
485  }
486  nclass=trainingPixels.size();
487  if(classname_opt.size())
488  assert(nclass==classname_opt.size());
489  nband=trainingPixels[0][0].size()-2;//X and Y//trainingPixels[0][0].size();
491  mapit=testMap.begin();
492  while(mapit!=testMap.end()){
493  //no need to delete small classes for test sample
494  testPixels.push_back(mapit->second);
495  if(verbose_opt[0]>1)
496  std::cout << mapit->first << ": " << (mapit->second).size() << " samples" << std::endl;
497  ++mapit;
498  }
499  if(input_opt.size()){
500  assert(nclass==testPixels.size());
501  assert(nband=testPixels[0][0].size()-2);//X and Y//testPixels[0][0].size();
502  assert(!cv_opt[0]);
503  }
505  //do not remove outliers here: could easily be obtained through ogr2ogr -where 'B2<110' output.shp input.shp
506  //balance training data
507  if(balance_opt[0]>0){
508  if(random_opt[0])
509  srand(time(NULL));
510  totalSamples=0;
511  for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
512  if(trainingPixels[iclass].size()>balance_opt[0]){
513  while(trainingPixels[iclass].size()>balance_opt[0]){
514  int index=rand()%trainingPixels[iclass].size();
515  trainingPixels[iclass].erase(trainingPixels[iclass].begin()+index);
516  }
517  }
518  else{
519  int oldsize=trainingPixels[iclass].size();
520  for(int isample=trainingPixels[iclass].size();isample<balance_opt[0];++isample){
521  int index = rand()%oldsize;
522  trainingPixels[iclass].push_back(trainingPixels[iclass][index]);
523  }
524  }
525  totalSamples+=trainingPixels[iclass].size();
526  }
527  assert(totalSamples==nclass*balance_opt[0]);
528  }
530  //set scale and offset
531  offset.resize(nband);
532  scale.resize(nband);
533  if(offset_opt.size()>1)
534  assert(offset_opt.size()==nband);
535  if(scale_opt.size()>1)
536  assert(scale_opt.size()==nband);
537  for(int iband=0;iband<nband;++iband){
538  if(verbose_opt[0]>1)
539  std::cout << "scaling for band" << iband << std::endl;
540  offset[iband]=(offset_opt.size()==1)?offset_opt[0]:offset_opt[iband];
541  scale[iband]=(scale_opt.size()==1)?scale_opt[0]:scale_opt[iband];
542  //search for min and maximum
543  if(scale[iband]<=0){
544  float theMin=trainingPixels[0][0][iband+startBand];
545  float theMax=trainingPixels[0][0][iband+startBand];
546  for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
547  for(int isample=0;isample<trainingPixels[iclass].size();++isample){
548  if(theMin>trainingPixels[iclass][isample][iband+startBand])
549  theMin=trainingPixels[iclass][isample][iband+startBand];
550  if(theMax<trainingPixels[iclass][isample][iband+startBand])
551  theMax=trainingPixels[iclass][isample][iband+startBand];
552  }
553  }
554  offset[iband]=theMin+(theMax-theMin)/2.0;
555  scale[iband]=(theMax-theMin)/2.0;
556  if(verbose_opt[0]>1){
557  std::cout << "Extreme image values for band " << iband << ": [" << theMin << "," << theMax << "]" << std::endl;
558  std::cout << "Using offset, scale: " << offset[iband] << ", " << scale[iband] << std::endl;
559  std::cout << "scaled values for band " << iband << ": [" << (theMin-offset[iband])/scale[iband] << "," << (theMax-offset[iband])/scale[iband] << "]" << std::endl;
560  }
561  }
562  }
564  // if(priors_opt.size()==1){//default: equal priors for each class
565  // priors.resize(nclass);
566  // for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass)
567  // priors[iclass]=1.0/nclass;
568  // }
569  // assert(priors_opt.size()==1||priors_opt.size()==nclass);
571  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1){
572  std::cout << "number of bands: " << nband << std::endl;
573  std::cout << "number of classes: " << nclass << std::endl;
574  // std::cout << "priors:";
575  // for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass)
576  // std::cout << " " << priors[iclass];
577  // std::cout << std::endl;
578  }
580  //set names in confusion matrix using nameVector
581  vector<string> nameVector=costfactory.getNameVector();
582  for(int iname=0;iname<nameVector.size();++iname){
583  if(costfactory.getClassValueMap().empty())
584  costfactory.pushBackClassName(nameVector[iname]);
585  // cm.pushBackClassName(nameVector[iname]);
586  else if(costfactory.getClassIndex(type2string<short>((costfactory.getClassValueMap())[nameVector[iname]]))<0)
587  costfactory.pushBackClassName(type2string<short>((costfactory.getClassValueMap())[nameVector[iname]]));
588  }
590  // if(classname_opt.empty()){
591  // for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
592  // if(verbose_opt[0])
593  // std::cout << iclass << " " << cm.getClass(iclass) << " -> " << string2type<short>(cm.getClass(iclass)) << std::endl;
594  // classValueMap[cm.getClass(iclass)]=string2type<short>(cm.getClass(iclass));
595  // }
596  // }
598  //Calculate features of trainig set
600  vector<unsigned int> nctraining;
601  vector<unsigned int> nctest;
602  nctraining.resize(nclass);
603  nctest.resize(nclass);
604  vector< Vector2d<float> > trainingFeatures(nclass);
605  for(int iclass=0;iclass<nclass;++iclass){
606  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1)
607  std::cout << "calculating features for class " << iclass << std::endl;
608  nctraining[iclass]=trainingPixels[iclass].size();
609  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1)
610  std::cout << "nctraining[" << iclass << "]: " << nctraining[iclass] << std::endl;
611  if(testPixels.size()>iclass){
612  nctest[iclass]=testPixels[iclass].size();
613  if(verbose_opt[0]>=1){
614  std::cout << "nctest[" << iclass << "]: " << nctest[iclass] << std::endl;
615  }
616  }
617  else
618  nctest[iclass]=0;
620  trainingFeatures[iclass].resize(nctraining[iclass]+nctest[iclass]);
621  for(int isample=0;isample<nctraining[iclass];++isample){
622  //scale pixel values according to scale and offset!!!
623  for(int iband=0;iband<nband;++iband){
624  assert(trainingPixels[iclass].size()>isample);
625  assert(trainingPixels[iclass][isample].size()>iband+startBand);
626  assert(offset.size()>iband);
627  assert(scale.size()>iband);
628  float value=trainingPixels[iclass][isample][iband+startBand];
629  trainingFeatures[iclass][isample].push_back((value-offset[iband])/scale[iband]);
630  }
631  }
632  for(int isample=0;isample<nctest[iclass];++isample){
633  //scale pixel values according to scale and offset!!!
634  for(int iband=0;iband<nband;++iband){
635  assert(testPixels[iclass].size()>isample);
636  assert(testPixels[iclass][isample].size()>iband+startBand);
637  assert(offset.size()>iband);
638  assert(scale.size()>iband);
639  float value=testPixels[iclass][isample][iband+startBand];
640  // testFeatures[iclass][isample].push_back((value-offset[iband])/scale[iband]);
641  trainingFeatures[iclass][nctraining[iclass]+isample].push_back((value-offset[iband])/scale[iband]);
642  }
643  }
644  assert(trainingFeatures[iclass].size()==nctraining[iclass]+nctest[iclass]);
645  }
647  costfactory.setNcTraining(nctraining);
648  costfactory.setNcTest(nctest);
649  int nFeatures=trainingFeatures[0][0].size();
650  int maxFeatures=(maxFeatures_opt[0])? maxFeatures_opt[0] : 1;
651  double previousCost=-1;
652  double cost=0;
653  list<int> subset;//set of selected features (levels) for each class combination
654  FeatureSelector selector;
655  try{
656  if(maxFeatures>=nFeatures){
657  subset.clear();
658  for(int ifeature=0;ifeature<nFeatures;++ifeature)
659  subset.push_back(ifeature);
660  cost=costfactory.getCost(trainingFeatures);
661  }
662  else{
663  while(fabs(cost-previousCost)>=epsilon_cost_opt[0]){
664  previousCost=cost;
665  switch(selMap[selector_opt[0]]){
666  case(SFFS):
667  subset.clear();//needed to clear in case of floating and brute force search
668  cost=selector.floating(trainingFeatures,costfactory,subset,maxFeatures,epsilon_cost_opt[0],verbose_opt[0]);
669  break;
670  case(SFS):
671  cost=selector.forward(trainingFeatures,costfactory,subset,maxFeatures,verbose_opt[0]);
672  break;
673  case(SBS):
674  cost=selector.backward(trainingFeatures,costfactory,subset,maxFeatures,verbose_opt[0]);
675  break;
676  case(BFS):
677  subset.clear();//needed to clear in case of floating and brute force search
678  cost=selector.bruteForce(trainingFeatures,costfactory,subset,maxFeatures,verbose_opt[0]);
679  break;
680  default:
681  std::cout << "Error: selector not supported, please use sffs, sfs, sbs or bfs" << std::endl;
682  exit(1);
683  break;
684  }
685  if(verbose_opt[0]>1){
686  std::cout << "cost: " << cost << std::endl;
687  std::cout << "previousCost: " << previousCost << std::endl;
688  std::cout << std::setprecision(12) << "cost-previousCost: " << cost - previousCost << " ( " << epsilon_cost_opt[0] << ")" << std::endl;
689  }
690  if(!maxFeatures_opt[0])
691  ++maxFeatures;
692  else
693  break;
694  }
695  }
696  }
697  catch(...){
698  std::cout << "caught feature selection" << std::endl;
699  exit(1);
700  }
702  if(verbose_opt[0])
703  cout <<"cost: " << cost << endl;
704  subset.sort();
705  for(list<int>::const_iterator lit=subset.begin();lit!=subset.end();++lit)
706  std::cout << " -b " << *lit;
707  std::cout << std::endl;
708  // if((*(lit))!=subset.back())
709  // else
710  // cout << endl;
712  // *NOTE* Because svm_model contains pointers to svm_problem, you can
713  // not free the memory used by svm_problem if you are still using the
714  // svm_model produced by svm_train().
716  // free(prob.y);
717  // free(prob.x);
718  // free(x_space);
719  // svm_destroy_param(&param);
720  return 0;
721 }
STL namespace.