pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 dump ogr file to text file or standard output
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <math.h>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <assert.h>
24 #include "base/Optionpk.h"
25 #include "imageclasses/ImgReaderOgr.h"
26 #include "pkdumpogr.h"
28 /******************************************************************************/
70 using namespace std;
72 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
73 {
74  Optionpk<string> input_opt("i", "input", "Input shape file");
75  Optionpk<string> layer_opt("ln", "lname", "Layer name(s) in sample (leave empty to select all)");
76  Optionpk<string> output_opt("o", "output", "Output ASCII file");
77  Optionpk<string> attribute_opt("n", "name", "names of the attributes to select. Each attribute is stored in a separate band. Default is ALL: write all attributes", "ALL");
78  Optionpk<bool> pos_opt("pos","pos","include position (x and y)",false);
79  Optionpk<bool> transpose_opt("t","transpose","transpose output (does not work for -n ALL ",false);
80  Optionpk<char> fs_opt("fs","fs","field separator.",' ');
81  Optionpk<short> verbose_opt("v", "verbose", "verbose (Default: 0)", 0,2);
83  fs_opt.setHide(1);
84  verbose_opt.setHide(2);
86  bool doProcess;//stop process when program was invoked with help option (-h --help)
87  try{
88  doProcess=input_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
89  layer_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
90  output_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
91  attribute_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
92  pos_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
93  transpose_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
94  fs_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
95  verbose_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
96  }
97  catch(string predefinedString){
98  std::cout << predefinedString << std::endl;
99  exit(0);
100  }
101  if(!doProcess){
102  cout << endl;
103  cout << "Usage: pkdumpogr -i input [-o output]" << endl;
104  cout << endl;
105  std::cout << "short option -h shows basic options only, use long option --help to show all options" << std::endl;
106  exit(0);//help was invoked, stop processing
107  }
109  if(input_opt.empty()){
110  std::cerr << "No input file provided (use option -i). Use --help for help information" << std::endl;
111  exit(0);
112  }
114  ImgReaderOgr inputReader;
115  try{
117  }
118  catch(string errorstring){
119  cerr << errorstring << endl;
120  }
121  ofstream outputFile;
122  if(output_opt.size())
125  inputReader.setFieldSeparator(fs_opt[0]);
127  //support multiple layers
128  int nlayerRead=inputReader.getDataSource()->GetLayerCount();
129  if(verbose_opt[0])
130  cout << "number of layers: " << nlayerRead << endl;
132  for(int ilayer=0;ilayer<nlayerRead;++ilayer){
133  OGRLayer *readLayer=inputReader.getLayer(ilayer);
134  string currentLayername=readLayer->GetName();
135  if(layer_opt.size())
136  if(find(layer_opt.begin(),layer_opt.end(),currentLayername)==layer_opt.end())
137  continue;
138  if(verbose_opt[0])
139  cout << "processing layer " << currentLayername << endl;
140  // if(layer_opt.size())
141  // cout << " --lname " << currentLayername << endl;
143  if(attribute_opt[0]=="ALL"){
144  attribute_opt.clear();
145  OGRFeatureDefn *poFDefn = readLayer->GetLayerDefn();
146  for(int iField=0;iField<poFDefn->GetFieldCount();++iField){
147  OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField);
148  std::string fieldname=poFieldDefn->GetNameRef();
149  attribute_opt.push_back(fieldname);
150  }
151  }
152  // if(attribute_opt[0]!="ALL"){
153  vector<double> xvector;
154  vector<double> yvector;
155  if(inputReader.getGeometryType()==wkbPoint)
156  inputReader.readXY(xvector,yvector);
157  Vector2d<std::string> theData(attribute_opt.size());
158  for(int ifield=0;ifield<attribute_opt.size();++ifield){
159  if(verbose_opt[0])
160  cout << "field: " << ifield << endl;
161  theData[ifield].clear();
162  inputReader.readData(theData[ifield],OFTReal,attribute_opt[ifield],ilayer,verbose_opt[0]);
163  }
164  if(verbose_opt[0]){
165  std::cout << "number of fields: " << theData.size() << std::endl;
166  std::cout << "number of samples: " << theData[0].size() << std::endl;
167  }
168  if(transpose_opt[0]){
169  if(pos_opt[0]&&(inputReader.getGeometryType()==wkbPoint)){
170  if(output_opt.size()){
171  outputFile << "X" << fs_opt[0];
172  for(int isample=0;isample<xvector.size();++isample){
173  outputFile << xvector[isample];
174  if(isample<xvector.size()-1)
175  outputFile << fs_opt[0];
176  else
177  outputFile << std::endl;
178  }
179  outputFile << "Y" << fs_opt[0];
180  for(int isample=0;isample<yvector.size();++isample){
181  outputFile << yvector[isample];
182  if(isample<yvector.size()-1)
183  outputFile << fs_opt[0];
184  else
185  outputFile << std::endl;
186  }
187  }
188  else{
189  std::cout << "X" << fs_opt[0];
190  for(int isample=0;isample<xvector.size();++isample){
191  std::cout << xvector[isample];
192  if(isample<xvector.size()-1)
193  std::cout << fs_opt[0];
194  else
195  std::cout << std::endl;
196  }
197  std::cout << "Y" << fs_opt[0];
198  for(int isample=0;isample<yvector.size();++isample){
199  std::cout << yvector[isample];
200  if(isample<yvector.size()-1)
201  std::cout << fs_opt[0];
202  else
203  std::cout << std::endl;
204  }
205  }
206  }
207  for(int ifield=0;ifield<theData.size();++ifield){
208  if(output_opt.size()){
209  outputFile << ifield << fs_opt[0];
210  for(int isample=0;isample<theData[0].size();++isample){
211  outputFile << theData[ifield][isample];
212  if(isample<theData[0].size()-1)
213  outputFile << fs_opt[0];
214  else
215  outputFile << std::endl;
216  }
217  }
218  else{
219  std::cout << ifield << fs_opt[0];
220  for(int isample=0;isample<theData[0].size();++isample){
221  std::cout << theData[ifield][isample];
222  if(isample<theData[0].size()-1)
223  std::cout << fs_opt[0];
224  else
225  std::cout << std::endl;
226  }
227  }
228  }
229  }
230  else{
231  for(int isample=0;isample<theData[0].size();++isample){
232  if(output_opt.size()){
233  outputFile << isample << fs_opt[0];
234  if(pos_opt[0])
235  outputFile << xvector[isample] << fs_opt[0] << yvector[isample] << fs_opt[0];
236  for(int ifield=0;ifield<theData.size();++ifield){
237  outputFile << theData[ifield][isample];
238  if(ifield<theData.size()-1)
239  outputFile << fs_opt[0];
240  else
241  outputFile << std::endl;
242  }
243  }
244  else{
245  std::cout << isample << fs_opt[0];
246  if(pos_opt[0])
247  std::cout << xvector[isample] << fs_opt[0] << yvector[isample] << fs_opt[0];
248  for(int ifield=0;ifield<theData.size();++ifield){
249  std::cout << theData[ifield][isample];
250  if(ifield<theData.size()-1)
251  std::cout << fs_opt[0];
252  else
253  std::cout << std::endl;
254  }
255  }
256  }
257  }
258  if(output_opt.size())
259  outputFile.close();
260  // }
261  // else{
262  // if(output_opt.size()){
263  // ofstream outputFile(output_opt[0].c_str(),ios::out);
264  // outputFile << inputReader;
265  // outputFile.close();
266  // }
267  // else
268  // std::cout << inputReader;
269  // }
270  }
271  inputReader.close();
272 }
STL namespace.