pktools  2.6.3
Processing Kernel for geospatial data


program to mosaic and composite geo-referenced images


Usage: pkcomposite -i input [-i input]* -o output

Options: [-b band]* [-dx xres] [-dy yres] [-e vector] [-ulx ULX -uly ULY -lrx LRX -lry LRY] [-cr rule] [-cb band] [-srcnodata value] [-bndnodata band] [-min value] [-max value] [-dstnodata value] [-r resampling_method] [-ot {Byte / Int16 / UInt16 / UInt32 / Int32 / Float32 / Float64 / CInt16 / CInt32 / CFloat32 / CFloat64}] [-of format] [-co NAME=VALUE]* [-a_srs epsg:number]

Advanced options: [-file] [-w weight]* [-c class]* [-ct colortable] [-d description]


The utility pkcomposite can be used to {mosaic} and {composite} multiple (georeferenced) raster datasets. A mosaic can merge images with different geographical extents into a single larger image. Compositing resolves the overlapping pixels according to some rule (e.g, the median of all overlapping pixels). This utility is complementary to GDAL, which currently does not support a composite step. Input datasets can have different bounding boxes and spatial resolutionsresolution.



Some examples how to use pkcomposite can be found here


Frequently asked questions on pkcomposite can be found here