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Processing Kernel for remote sensing data
program to calculate basic statistics from text file
Usage: pkstatascii -i input [-c column]*
Options: [-size] [-rnd number [-dist function] [-rnda value -rndb value]] [-mean] [-median] [-var] [-skew] [-stdev] [-sum] [-mm] [-min] [-max] [-hist [-nbin value] [-rel] [-kde]] [-hist2d [-nbin value] [-rel] [-kde]] [-cor] [-rmse] [-reg] [-regerr]
Advanced options: [-srcmin value] [-srcmax value] [-fs separator] [-r startrow [-r endrow]] [-o [-t]] [–comment character]
The utility pkstatascii calculates basic statistics of a data series in a text file.
or --long
options (both --long=value
and --long value
are supported)-h
shows basic options only, long option --help
shows all options short | long | type | default | description |
i | input | std::string | name of the input text file | |
c | column | int | 0 | column nr, starting from 0 |
size | size | bool | false | sample size |
rnd | rnd | unsigned int | 0 | generate random numbers |
dist | dist | std::string | gaussian | distribution for generating random numbers, see http://www.gn/software/gsl/manual/gsl-ref_toc.html#TOC320 (only uniform and Gaussian supported yet) |
rnda | rnda | double | 0 | first parameter for random distribution (mean value in case of Gaussian) |
rndb | rndb | double | 1 | second parameter for random distribution (standard deviation in case of Gaussian) |
mean | mean | bool | false | calculate median |
median | median | bool | false | calculate median |
var | var | bool | false | calculate variance |
stdev | stdev | bool | false | calculate standard deviation |
skew | skewness | bool | false | calculate skewness |
kurt | kurtosis | bool | false | calculate kurtosis |
sum | sum | bool | false | calculate sum of column |
mm | minmax | bool | false | calculate minimum and maximum value |
min | min | bool | false | calculate minimum value |
max | max | bool | false | calculate maximum value |
hist | hist | bool | false | calculate histogram |
nbin | nbin | short | number of bins to calculate histogram | |
rel | relative | bool | false | use percentiles for histogram to calculate histogram |
kde | kde | bool | false | Use Kernel density estimation when producing histogram. The standard deviation is estimated based on Silverman's rule of thumb |
hist2d | hist2d | bool | false | calculate 2-dimensional histogram based on two columns |
cor | correlation | bool | false | calculate Pearson produc-moment correlation coefficient between two columns (defined by -c <col1> -c <col2> |
rmse | rmse | bool | false | calculate root mean square error between two columns (defined by -c <col1> -c <col2> |
reg | regression | bool | false | calculate linear regression between two columns and get correlation coefficient (defined by -c <col1> -c <col2> |
regerr | regerr | bool | false | calculate linear regression between two columns and get root mean square error (defined by -c <col1> -c <col2> |
src_min | src_min | double | start reading source from this minimum value | |
src_max | src_max | double | stop reading source from this maximum value | |
fs | fs | char | field separator. | |
r | range | int | 0 | rows to start/end reading. Use -r 1 -r 10 to read first 10 rows where first row is header. Use 0 to read all rows with no header. |
o | output | bool | false | output the selected columns |
t | transpose | bool | false | transpose input ascii vector (use in combination with –output) |
comment | comment | char | # | comment character |