Processing Kernel for remote sensing data


program to filter raster images


Usage: pkfilter -i input -o ouptut [-f filter | -srf file [-srf file]* | -fwhm value [-fwhm value]*]


Options: [-dx value [-dy value] | -dz value] [-nodata value]

This utility implements spatial and spectral filtering for raster data. In the spatial domain (X, Y), the filter typically involves a rectangular convolution kernel (moving window). To avoid image shifting, the size of the window should be odd (3, 5, 7, ...). You can set the window sizes in X and Y directions separately with the options -dx and -dy. A circular kernel (disc) is applied if option -circ is set. An overview of the supported filters (option -f|–filter) is given below. You can create customized filters by defining your own filter taps (multiplicative elements of the filter kernel) via an ascii file (option -tap). In the spectral/temporal domain (Z) you can filter multi-band raster inputs. The kernel filter size can be set with the option -dz (use odd values only).



Some examples how to use pkfilter can be found here