Processing Kernel for remote sensing data


perform raster data operations on image such as crop, extract and stack bands


Usage: pkcrop -i input -o output

Options: [-of out_format] [-ot {Byte/Int16/UInt16/UInt32/Int32/Float32/Float64/CInt16/CInt32/CFloat32/CFloat64}] [-b band]* [-ulx ULX -uly ULY -lrx LRX -lry LRY] [-dx xres] [-dy yres] [-r resampling_method] [-a_srs epsg:number] [-dstnodata value]

Advanced options: [-e vector [-m]] [-co NAME=VALUE]* [-x center_x -y center_y] [-nx size_x -ny size_y] [-ns nsample -nl nlines] [-as min -as max] [-s scale]* [-off offset]* [-ct colortable] [-d description]


The utility pkcrop can subset and stack raster images. In the spatial domain it can crop a bounding box from a larger image. The output bounding box is selected by setting the new corner coordinates using the options -ulx -uly -lrx -lry. Alternatively you can set the new image center (-x -y) and size. This can be done either in projected coordinates (using the options -nx -ny) or in image coordinates (using the options -ns -nl). You can also use a vector file to set the new bounding box (option -e). In the spectral domain, pkcrop allows you to select individual bands from one or more input image(s). Bands are stored in the same order as provided on the command line, using the option -b. Band numbers start with index 0 (indicating the first band). The default is to select all input bands. If more input images are provided, the bands are stacked into a multi-band image. If the bounding boxes or spatial resolution are not identical for all input images, you should explicitly set them via the options. The pkcrop utility is not suitable to mosaic or composite images. Consider the utility pkcomposite instead.



Some examples how to use pkcrop can be found here