Processing Kernel for remote sensing data

Examples of pkdumpogr

Dump the attributes label and description for the vector dataset sample.sqlite to standard output (screen)

pkdumpogr -i sample.sqlite -n label -n description
0 2 noforest
1 2 noforest
2 2 noforest
3 2 noforest
4 2 noforest
5 2 noforest
6 2 noforest
7 2 noforest
8 2 noforest
9 2 noforest
10 1 forest
11 2 noforest

Similar to previous example, but transpose output (does not work without explicitly defining options -n for attributes)

pkdumpogr -i sample.sqlite -n label -n description -t
0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
1 noforest noforest noforest noforest noforest noforest noforest noforest noforest noforest forest noforest

Dump the entire content of vector dataset input.sqlite to standard output

pkdumpogr -i input.sqlite

Dump only ATTRIBUTE of vector dataset input.sqlite including x and y position and output to ASCII file output.txt

pkdumpogr -i input.sqlite -o output.txt -n ATTRIBUTE -pos