![]() |
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
This is the complete list of members for ImgReaderGdal, including all inherited members.
close(void) | ImgReaderGdal | virtual |
copyGeoTransform(const ImgRasterGdal &imgSrc) | ImgRasterGdal | |
covers(double x, double y) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
covers(double ulx, double uly, double lrx, double lry) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
GDALSetNoDataValue(double noDataValue, int band=0) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
geo2image(double x, double y, double &i, double &j) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getBoundingBox(double &ulx, double &uly, double &lrx, double &lry) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getCenterPos(double &x, double &y) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getColorTable(int band=0) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getCompression() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getDataset() (defined in ImgRasterGdal) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getDataType(int band=0) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getDeltaX(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getDeltaY(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getDescription() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getDriverDescription() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getFileName() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getGeoTransform() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getGeoTransform(double *gt) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getHistogram(std::vector< double > &histvector, double &min, double &max, unsigned int &nbin, int theBand=0, bool kde=false) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getImageDescription() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getImageType() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getInterleave() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getLrx() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getLry() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getMax(int &col, int &row, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getMetadata() | ImgRasterGdal | |
getMetadata() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getMetadata(std::list< std::string > &metadata) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getMetadataItem() const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getMin(int &col, int &row, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getMinMax(int startCol, int endCol, int startRow, int endRow, int band, double &minValue, double &maxValue) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getMinMax(double &minValue, double &maxValue, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getNoDataValues(std::vector< double > &noDataValues) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getNvalid(int band) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getProjection(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getProjectionRef(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getRange(std::vector< short > &range, int Band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getRasterBand(int band=0) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
getRefPix(double &refX, double &refY, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
getUlx() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
getUly() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
image2geo(double i, double j, double &x, double &y) const | ImgRasterGdal | |
ImgRasterGdal(void) | ImgRasterGdal | |
ImgReaderGdal(void) | ImgReaderGdal | |
ImgReaderGdal(const std::string &filename, const GDALAccess &readMode=GA_ReadOnly) | ImgReaderGdal | inline |
isGeoRef() const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
isNoData(double value) const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
m_dataType | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_filename | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_gds | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_gt | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_nband | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_ncol | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_noDataValues | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_nrow | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_offset | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_projection (defined in ImgRasterGdal) | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
m_scale | ImgRasterGdal | protected |
nrOfBand(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
nrOfBlockX(int band=0) (defined in ImgRasterGdal) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
nrOfBlockY(int band=0) (defined in ImgRasterGdal) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
nrOfCol(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
nrOfRow(void) const | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
open(const std::string &filename, const GDALAccess &readMode=GA_ReadOnly) | ImgReaderGdal | |
pushNoDataValue(double noDataValue) | ImgRasterGdal | |
readData(T &value, int col, int row, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
readData(std::vector< T > &buffer, int minCol, int maxCol, int row, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
readData(std::vector< T > &buffer, int minCol, int maxCol, double row, int band=0, RESAMPLE resample=NEAR) | ImgReaderGdal | |
readData(std::vector< T > &buffer, int row, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
readData(std::vector< T > &buffer, double row, int band=0, RESAMPLE resample=NEAR) | ImgReaderGdal | |
readDataBlock(Vector2d< T > &buffer2d, int minCol, int maxCol, int minRow, int maxRow, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
readDataBlock(std::vector< T > &buffer, int minCol, int maxCol, int minRow, int maxRow, int band=0) | ImgReaderGdal | |
setCodec(const GDALAccess &readMode=GA_ReadOnly) | ImgReaderGdal | protected |
setGeoTransform(double *gt) | ImgRasterGdal | |
setNoData(const std::vector< double > nodata) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
setOffset(double theOffset, int band=0) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
setProjection(const std::string &projection) | ImgRasterGdal | |
setProjectionProj4(const std::string &projection) | ImgRasterGdal | |
setScale(double theScale, int band=0) | ImgRasterGdal | inline |
~ImgRasterGdal(void) | ImgRasterGdal | virtual |
~ImgReaderGdal(void) | ImgReaderGdal |