pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 program to create vector points or polygons from text file
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <string>
21 #include <fstream>
22 #include <assert.h>
23 #include "base/Optionpk.h"
24 #include "imageclasses/ImgWriterOgr.h"
26 /******************************************************************************/
70 using namespace std;
72 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
73 {
74  Optionpk<string> input_opt("i","input","Input ASCII file");
75  Optionpk<string> output_opt("o", "output", "Output file");
76  Optionpk<string> ogrformat_opt("f", "f", "Output sample file format","ESRI Shapefile");
77  Optionpk<short> colX_opt("x", "x", "column number of x (0)", 0);
78  Optionpk<short> colY_opt("y", "y", "column number of y (1)", 1);
79  Optionpk<bool> polygon_opt("l", "line", "create OGRPolygon as geometry instead of points. Fields are taken from first point and polygon is automatically closed (no need to repeat first point at last line). (false: use OGRPoint)", false);
80  Optionpk<string> fname_opt("n", "name", "Field names for the columns in the input ascii file");
81  Optionpk<string> ftype_opt("ot", "ot", "Field type (Real, Integer, String) for each of the fields as defined by name","Real");
82  Optionpk<string> projection_opt("a_srs", "a_srs", "Override the projection for the output file, use epsg:<code> or Wkt string", "epsg:4326");
83  Optionpk<char> fs_opt("fs","fs","field separator.",' ');
84  Optionpk<int> verbose_opt("v", "verbose", "verbose (0)", 0,2);
86  bool doProcess;//stop process when program was invoked with help option (-h --help)
87  try{
88  doProcess=input_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
89  output_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
90  ogrformat_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
91  colX_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
92  colY_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
93  polygon_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
94  fname_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
95  ftype_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
96  projection_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
97  fs_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
98  verbose_opt.retrieveOption(argc,argv);
99  }
100  catch(string predefinedString){
101  std::cout << predefinedString << std::endl;
102  exit(0);
103  }
104  if(!doProcess){
105  cout << endl;
106  cout << "Usage: pkascii2ogr -i input.txt -o output" << endl;
107  cout << endl;
108  std::cout << "short option -h shows basic options only, use long option --help to show all options" << std::endl;
109  exit(0);//help was invoked, stop processing
110  }
111  if(input_opt.empty()){
112  std::cerr << "No input file provided (use option -i). Use --help for help information";
113  exit(0);
114  }
115  if(output_opt.empty()){
116  std::cerr << "No output file provided (use option -o). Use --help for help information";
117  exit(0);
118  }
120  string theProjection;
121  theProjection=projection_opt[0];
122  int ogr_typecount=11;//hard coded for now!
123  while(ftype_opt.size()<fname_opt.size())
124  ftype_opt.push_back(ftype_opt[0]);
125  // vector<string> fname(fname_opt.size());
126  vector<OGRFieldType> ftype(ftype_opt.size());
127  if(verbose_opt[0])
128  cout << "field types can be: ";
129  for(int ifield=0;ifield<fname_opt.size();++ifield){
130  // fname[ifield]=fname_opt[ifield];
131  for(int iType = 0; iType < ogr_typecount; ++iType){
132  if(!ifield&&verbose_opt[0])
133  cout << " " << OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName((OGRFieldType)iType);
134  if( OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName((OGRFieldType)iType) != NULL
135  && EQUAL(OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName((OGRFieldType)iType),
136  ftype_opt[ifield].c_str()))
137  ftype[ifield]=(OGRFieldType) iType;
138  }
139  }
140  //todo: what if unknown?
141  if(verbose_opt[0]){
142  cout << endl << "field types are: ";
143  for(int ifield=0;ifield<ftype.size();++ifield)
144  cout << OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName(ftype[ifield]) << " ";
145  cout << endl;
146  }
148  ImgWriterOgr imgWriter;
150  try{
151  if(polygon_opt[0])
152  imgWriter.ascii2ogr(input_opt[0], "New Layer", fname_opt, ftype, colX_opt[0], colY_opt[0], theProjection, wkbPolygon, fs_opt[0]);
153  else
154  imgWriter.ascii2ogr(input_opt[0], "New Layer", fname_opt, ftype, colX_opt[0], colY_opt[0], theProjection, wkbPoint, fs_opt[0]);
155  }
156  catch(string errorString){
157  cout << errorString << endl;
158  }
159  imgWriter.close();
160 }
STL namespace.