pktools  2.6.7
Processing Kernel for geospatial data
1 /**********************************************************************
2 Conversions from and to european grid coding system
3 Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Pieter Kempeneers
5 This file is part of pktools
7 pktools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 pktools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with pktools. If not, see <>.
19 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include "Egcs.h"
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <sstream>
23 #include <iomanip>
24 #include <assert.h>
26 Egcs::Egcs(){
27 }
29 // Egcs::Egcs(unsigned short level)
30 // : m_level(level){
31 // }
34 Egcs::Egcs(unsigned short level)
35 {
36  m_level=level;
37 }
39 unsigned short Egcs::cell2level(const std::string& cellCode) const{
40  size_t pos=cellCode.find("-");
41  std::string TILE=cellCode.substr(0,pos);
42  unsigned short level=0;
43  int base_level=19-(TILE.size()/2-1)*3;
44  int quad_level=0;
45  if(pos!=std::string::npos)
46  quad_level=cellCode.size()-pos-1;
47  if(quad_level>1)
48  level=base_level-2;
49  else if(quad_level>0)
50  level=base_level-1;
51  else
52  level=base_level;
53  return level;
54 }
56 Egcs::~Egcs(){
57 }
59 unsigned short Egcs::res2level(double resolution) const{
60  double base=pow(10,log(resolution*4.0)/log(10.0));
61  double diff=base/(2*resolution);
62  return 0.5+(log(base)/log(10.0)*3+1-diff);
63 }
65 double Egcs::getResolution() const{
66  unsigned short exponent=(m_level+1)/3;
67  double base=pow(10.0,exponent);
68  if((m_level)%3==2)
69  return(base/4);
70  else if((m_level)%3==0)
71  return(base/2);
72  else
73  return(base);
74 }
76 void Egcs::force2grid(double& ulx, double& uly, double& lrx, double &lry) const{
77  double dx=getResolution();
78  double dy=dx;
79  //ulx
80  ulx=floor(ulx);
81  ulx-=static_cast<int>(ulx)%(static_cast<int>(dx));
82  //uly
83  uly=ceil(uly);
84  if(static_cast<int>(uly)%static_cast<int>(dy))
85  uly+=dy;
86  uly-=static_cast<int>(uly)%(static_cast<int>(dy));
87  //lrx
88  lrx=ceil(lrx);
89  if(static_cast<int>(lrx)%static_cast<int>(dx))
90  lrx+=dx;
91  lrx-=static_cast<int>(lrx)%(static_cast<int>(dx));
92  //lry
93  lry=floor(lry);
94  lry-=static_cast<int>(lry)%(static_cast<int>(dy));
95 }
97 void Egcs::cell2bb(const std::string& cellCode, int &ulx, int &uly, int &lrx, int &lry) const{
98  size_t pos=cellCode.find("-");
99  std::string TILE=cellCode.substr(0,pos);
100  std::string TILEX=TILE.substr(0,TILE.size()/2);
101  std::string TILEY=TILE.substr(TILE.size()/2);
102  std::string QUAD;
103  char QUAD1,QUAD2;
104  std::istringstream stilex(TILEX);
105  std::istringstream stiley(TILEY);
106  int llx,lly;
107  stilex >> llx;
108  stiley >> lly;
109  llx*=getBaseSize();
110  lly*=getBaseSize();
111  switch((19-m_level)%3){
112  case(0)://there should be no QUAD
113  assert(pos==std::string::npos);
114  break;
115  case(2)://there is a QUAD2
116  assert(pos+1!=std::string::npos);
117  QUAD=cellCode.substr(pos+1);
118  QUAD2=QUAD.substr(1,1).c_str()[0];
119  switch(QUAD2){
120  case('A'):
121  break;
122  case('C'):
123  lly+=getBaseSize()/4;
124  break;
125  case('D'):
126  lly+=getBaseSize()/4;
127  case('B'):
128  llx+=getBaseSize()/4;
129  break;
130  }
131  case(1)://QUAD1: deliberate fall through from case(2)!
132  if(!QUAD.size()){
133  assert(pos+1!=std::string::npos);
134  QUAD=cellCode.substr(pos+1);
135  }
136  QUAD1=QUAD.substr(0,1).c_str()[0];
137  switch(QUAD1){
138  case('A'):
139  break;
140  case('C'):
141  lly+=getBaseSize()/2;
142  break;
143  case('D'):
144  lly+=getBaseSize()/2;
145  case('B'):
146  llx+=getBaseSize()/2;
147  break;
148  }
149  break;
150  }
151  ulx=llx;
152  uly=static_cast<int>(lly+getSize());
153  lrx=static_cast<int>(llx+getSize());
154  lry=lly;
155 }
157 void Egcs::cell2mid(const std::string& cellCode, double& midX, double& midY) const{
158  int ulx,uly,lrx,lry;
159  cell2bb(cellCode,ulx,uly,lrx,lry);
160  midX=(ulx+lrx)/2.0;
161  midY=(lry+uly)/2.0;
162 }
164 std::string Egcs::geo2cell(double geoX, double geoY) const{
165  int ndgts=7-(m_level+1)/3;
166  double xcel=static_cast<int>(geoX)/getBaseSize();
167  double ycel=static_cast<int>(geoY)/getBaseSize();
168  std::ostringstream osx;
169  std::ostringstream osy, osxy;
170  // osx << setprecision(ndgts) << xcel;
171  // osy << setprecision(ndgts) << ycel;
172  // osx << setprecision(0) << fixed << geoX;
173  // osy << setprecision(0) << fixed << geoY;
174  osx << std::fixed << geoX;
175  osy << std::fixed << geoY;
176  std::string quad1="";
177  std::string quad2="";
178  switch((19-m_level)%3){
179  case(2):
180  if(static_cast<int>(geoX)%(getBaseSize()/2)>=getBaseSize()/2.0){
181  if(static_cast<int>(geoY)%(getBaseSize()/2)>=getBaseSize()/2.0)
182  quad2="D";
183  else
184  quad2="B";
185  }
186  else if(static_cast<int>(geoY)%getBaseSize()>=getBaseSize()/4.0)
187  quad2="C";
188  else
189  quad2="A";
190  case(1)://deliberate fall through!
191  if(static_cast<int>(geoX)%getBaseSize()>=getBaseSize()/2.0){
192  if(static_cast<int>(geoY)%getBaseSize()>=getBaseSize()/2.0)
193  quad1="-D";
194  else
195  quad1="-B";
196  }
197  else if(static_cast<int>(geoY)%getBaseSize()>=getBaseSize()/2.0)
198  quad1="-C";
199  else
200  quad1="-A";
201  break;
202  default:
203  break;
204  }
205  osxy << osx.str().substr(0,ndgts) << osy.str().substr(0,ndgts) << quad1 << quad2;
206  return osxy.str();
207 }